[:en]MAIO Legal co–organized the European Regional Meeting of the international network of law: Globalaw.
MAIO Legal and the international network of lawyers, Globalaw, organized during the 26th, 27th and 28th of March 2015 the annual European meeting in Madrid. The event was attended by over 100 participants from offices around the world. Attendees were treated to numerous presentations given by renowned internationally professionals and authorities. Including Joaquín Almunia, former commissioner of Economy and Competition of the European Commission; José Carlos Garcia de Quevedo, CEO of Invest in Spain ICEX or Jaime García-Legaz, Secretary of State for Trade.
After the success, MAIO wants to share with you some pictures of this ERM:
MAIO Legal y la red internacional de abogados, Globalaw, organizaron conjuntamente durante los días 26, 27 y 28 de marzo de 2015 el encuentro anual europeo en Madrid. Al evento acudieron más de 100 participantes, provenientes de despachos de todo el mundo. Los asistentes pudieron disfrutar de numerosas ponencias ofrecidas por profesionales y autoridades de reconocido prestigio y proyección internacional. Entre ellos, D. Joaquín Almunia, ex comisario de Economía y Competencia de la Comisión Europea; D. José Carlos García de Quevedo, Director Ejecutivo de Invest in Spain del ICEX o D. Jaime García-Legaz , Secretario de Estado de Comercio.
Tras el éxito cosechado, MAIO quiere compartir con todos vosotros algunas fotos de este ERM: